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Serie que surge de la fascinación y curiosidad que me provocan las personas cuyo género no queda obviamente claro a primera vista. 

Como ejercicio de retrato me interesaba descifrar qué elementos de sus facciones dibujaban la delgada línea entre lo femenino y lo masculino. Con este propósito, retraté a personas reconocidas y conocidas por esta característica: Tilda Swinton, David Bowie, Claude Chaun y Bimba Bosé. 

Spray dorado, papel de algodón, lápiz, tinta.
Tamaño: 32x24 cm.

Series that emerges from the fascination and curiosity that people provoke me whose gender is not obviously clear at first sight.


As a portrait exercise, I was interested in deciphering which elements of his features drew the thin line between the feminine and the masculine. For this purpose, I portrayed people known and known for this characteristic: Tilda Swinton, David Bowie, Claude Chaun and Bimba Bosé.


Golden spray, cotton paper, pencil, ink.

Size: 32x24 cm.

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